Welcome Message
I would like to extend a very warm welcome to Baylis Court School. I am honoured to lead the school as Principal, and proud to be part of the warm and welcoming community.
Baylis Court School is a comprehensive 11-18 school for girls, situated in Slough, Berkshire. There are 940 students on roll, including 140 students in the sixth form. Baylis Court is a community where each student is known and cared for, and their individual needs are met. Our school is a happy one where relationships between all members of the diverse community are overwhelmingly positive.
We have a longstanding history of remarkable academic results. Students leave us with qualifications that enable them to attend universities or higher education destinations of their choice. However, academic outcomes are only one facet of a Baylis Court education, there is a real sense of inclusivity, challenge, and creativity that permeates the school. This creates a culture and ethos that supports a unique learning environment. A fantastic team of dedicated and talented staff deliver and support high-quality teaching and extra-curricular activities which inspire all students. Classrooms are calm and orderly at Baylis and the students’ behaviour is excellent as they are all eager to develop their knowledge and skills.
Our vision is to inspire tomorrow’s leaders - to develop confident, resilient and kind young women. A Baylis Court education equips students with the skills, qualifications and values which will enable them to make informed choices, be responsible citizens, enjoy future success and to achieve personal fulfilment. Students have opportunities within and beyond the classroom to develop their academic, creative, sporting and leadership qualities.
Everything we do at Baylis Court is ‘in pursuit of excellence’ which is our school mission. We know that if we have high expectations of our students, there is no limit to what they can achieve.
Please take this opportunity to explore our website. Contact us if you would like to experience our friendly, challenging, learning environment.
Christine MacInnes