School Day
The school day has 5 teaching periods. Students are expected to be on site at least 10 minutes before the start of registration but no earlier than 8.00am.
The total weekly figure for the compulsory time students spend in school is 32.5 hours.
8.30am | 8.50am |
Registration / Assembly |
8.30am | 8.50am |
Every fortnight on a Friday, Registration and DEAR time (Drop Everything and Read) |
8.50am | 9.50am | Lesson One |
9.50am | 10.50am | Lesson Two |
10.50am | 11.20am | Break Time |
11.20am | 12.20pm | Lesson Three |
12.20pm | 1.20pm | Lesson Four |
1.20pm | 2.00pm | Lunch Time |
2.00pm | 3.00pm | Lesson Five |
Students are responsible for ensuring they know how they are getting home. Reception staff are unable to disrupt lessons to deliver messages with changes to these arrangements.