
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

At Baylis Court School we welcome all students including those who have special educational needs or disabilities (SEND). We encourage high expectations of everyone in our school community and work hard to support one another in achieving these goals. Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCO) is Ms Ru Rees.

The promotion of progress and achievement of individual students is founded on the belief that:

  • All students are valued equally and form an integral part of the school.
  • A broad, balanced and inclusive curriculum, taught in a well-resourced and supportive environment, which provides a range of stimulating, appropriate and enjoyable experiences, will enhance students' self-esteem and promote success.
  • All students have the right to benefit from the range of personal, social and extra-curricular activities.
  • Students should be introduced to, and continue to become familiar with, a wide range of skills for life.
  • All students should be taught in a context appropriate to their individual needs.

The school seeks to raise achievement and remove barriers to learning on the mutual understanding that SEND is a whole school matter; that all teachers are teachers of children with SEND.


Our SENDCO is Ms R Rees. You can contact her via email


Our SEN Policy and more information can be found on the Policies page

Exams Access Arrangements Procedure

SEN Code of Practice Explained

Link to Local Offer

Slough SEND Newsletter

School Transport

Slough Borough Council are making some changes to the Home to School Transport service to improve processes while maintaining quality. Please note the updated contact details for the service, effective immediately:

For all school travel matters:

For urgent/emergency issues:

  • 01753 477240 – For urgent school travel operations matters, This phone number can be used.  Only use this phone number where necessary to ensure the lines remain open for any emergencies.