
Sixth Form Study Programme

Baylis Court Sixth Form 16-19 Study Programme

At Baylis Court School, our 16–19 study programme is designed to provide students with a structured and challenging learning programme that supports their development and progression in line with their career plans.

To ensure we achieve this, all students in the sixth form:

  • Take three A-level subjects. This is our core aim.
  • Take the Extended Project Qualification in Year 12.
  • Have a week of work experience in Year 12 to develop their career choices and apply their skills in real-world working conditions.
  • Have a weekly session of enrichment, wellbeing, and skills. In these weekly sessions, students learn skills and hear from people with a range of industry and educational experiences. This helps to develop students’ character, broader skills, attitudes, and confidence, and supports progression.
  • Have a bespoke post-16 tutorial programme that also helps their progression, both in the sixth form and after they leave us.
  • Have private, supervised study timetabled to ensure they can develop the skills they are taught and are able to make strong progress.
  • Have access to a career advisor and have at least one 1-2-1 meeting with them.

Mode of delivery

The delivery of the study programme is completely face-to-face. Students are on site during term time with the exception of work experience week in Year 12.

Work experience

All students in Year 12 are given a week of work experience. Students are encouraged and supported to find their own placements to ensure they best meet their future career plans. In addition to this, the school also works with companies that provide work experience placements outside of the formal work experience week.


Youth social action

Our school vision is the ‘inspire the leaders of tomorrow’ and we encourage our students to live up to this. We have a sixth form leadership award where students complete work both in and out of school community to achieve a bronze, silver or gold award. This sees students running clubs in school, working as wellbeing mentors or helping with local food banks. There is also a social action group who work with the wider Slough community and have raised money for causes across the globe.

Other non-qualification activities

Students have a range of non-qualification activities that help them develop their character, broader skills, attitudes, and confidence and support progression. Students have:

Enrichment, wellbeing, and skills: A weekly session where students hear from industry and educational providers, learn workplace skills and aptitudes, team-build, understand mental health, are challenged by new ideas, receive financial education, and play sport.

Tutorial programme: in tutor time, students learn revision skills, develop their 'soft skills,’ discuss global current affairs, learn about wellbeing, complete DEAR (drop everything and read), and complete a PSHE programme.

External providers: students are encouraged to take up the offer of opportunities offered by external providers. Some examples are NCS, the Reading Scholar Programme, or the offer of learning practical skills and work experience through Vision Path.

Private study: students are required to complete 4 hours of supervised study each week. This helps them embed the study skills they have learned and supports them in making progress.

Sexual and reproductive health

Students are taught about sexual and reproductive health in PSHE lessons, which are carried out fortnightly. They are directed to where they can find further information or support.

September guarantee

The school works proactively and assists with the local authority to ensure the September Guarantee.