Posted on: 6/12/2024Christmas Jumper DayAll students and staff are invited to wear their Christmas jumpers or decorate a jumper with festive items on Thursday, 12 December 2024. Those taking part are asked to bring in £1 which will be donated to Save the Children charity. If your child would like to get involved, they need to come to school in full school uniform but replace their blaze... 0 Images 1 CategoryGeneral News
Posted on: 12/11/2024Odd Socks DayStaff and pupils took part in Odd Socks Day for Anti Bullying Week this November. It is a day when schools, workplaces, and individuals join together to show that it's okay to be different and to stand up against bullying and discrimination. Well done to all who took part- lots of achievement points were given out this week and lots of smiles were raised too! ... 0 Images 1 CategoryGeneral News
Posted on: 7/11/2024Armistice DayPupils from all year groups have been taking part in Armistice Day Assemblies this week with Mr Brown. We are looking forward to observing the two minute silence on Monday, 11 November. 0 Images 1 CategoryGeneral News
Posted on: 22/08/2024GCSE Results Day GCSE Results 2024 Baylis Court School We are delighted to celebrate and share the success of our Year 11 pupils. We are incredibly proud of the commitment to their studies and the resilience they have shown throughout their GCSE courses. The school’s mission, ‘Inspiring Leaders of Tomorrow’ underpins all that we do. Pupils are expected, encouraged and sup... 0 Images 1 CategoryGeneral News
Posted on: 8/05/2024Uniform UpdateAs the warmer weather is finally arriving, school jumpers are no longer compulsory until the end of term. However, if cold a pupil must put on their jumper and not a jacket/coat. Jackets/coats can only be worn with a jumper. Blazers remain compulsory uniform for every pupil, every day. Thank you for your support. 0 Images 1 CategoryGeneral News
Posted on: 16/04/2024Welcome back!It was lovely to see so many of our pupils enjoying being back together in school yesterday. The summer term is a very busy and exciting one, and we look forward to many of the events planned. 0 Images 1 CategoryGeneral News
Posted on: 9/02/2024Vaping Factsheet for Parents and CarersParents and carers have a really important role in talking with young people about vaping and making sure that they have clear and reliable information to help their decision-making. Please see below factsheet for more information Vaping-Factsheet-for-parents-and-carers.pdf 0 Images 1 CategoryGeneral News
Posted on: 1/02/2024Scholastic Book FairWe have been running our annual scholastic book fair this year for a little longer than the standard one week and so far students have been very excited to buy and browse through the books. Below is a picture of some of our lovely helpers who did an incredible job setting up the book fair layout and decorations. With the Scholastic book fair, students can buy books and... 1 Image 1 CategoryGeneral News