Year 11 Mock Exams
Dear Parents/Carers,
You will hopefully be aware that Year 11 students have their mock exams immediately after half term. As well as being a good chance to gain experience of an exam series before the “real” GCSEs next summer, these exams are more important than ever, in the light of Covid19 and last year’s results being derived from mock exams. It is therefore incredibly important that Year 11 students attend all of their mock exams, punctually and fully prepared. Each student has received their exam timetable by email. Please make sure you have a copy of this document so that you can support with preparation for each exam.
Students have had an assembly on Tuesday morning to advise them on preparation and to make sure they understand the exam guidelines set by JCQ, these will be followed in the mocks and any student breeching the regulations will face serious sanctions. The main guidelines can be found here:
The assembly PowerPoint will also be on the school website if you wish to familiarise yourself with the advice students have received. We are unable to provide students with resources due to current conditions so students must come fully prepared with the correct tools / equipment for each exam.
Should a student be self-isolating or at home during the exam period, they will still need to complete their mocks. In this case, each exam will be set for a limited period of time via Assignments in Teams. It is important that this is completed in exam conditions and submitted back to the teacher within the allocated time slot. Papers submitted late will not be accepted / marked.
In order that each student does their best, everyone should be revisiting previously studied topics on a daily basis. The half term is an ideal opportunity to undertake further revision and exam preparation; however, it is widely acknowledged that last minute cramming has very little impact. Students achieve much more if they study consistently over time. Students have been provided with text books and online resources such as Hegarty maths and Kerboodle which will also be of use when revising. We will also be adding revision guidance to our website.
Exams are always a stressful time for students and families, you can support students in the following ways:
- Work with them to find what revision style works for each person.
- Encourage students to take revision breaks and find a balance between studying and doing things they find enjoyable and relaxing.
- Make sure children are eating and drinking at regular intervals.
- Encourage taking some time after revising to wind down.
- Reassurance– reinforce that you are and will be proud of your family no matter what happens.
- Remain positive and hopeful!
- Plan a treat or an activity together to mark the end of the exams.
- Set aside one to one time so that your child can talk to you about any worries.
- Let them know their feelings are valid and normal, but also offer support and solutions where possible.
- Anxiety is often worst at night and this means it is useful to encourage good bedtime routine.
Further advice for parents can be found here:
To summarise, please make sure students are prepared and resourced for mocks and that they attend each exam. Should you have any questions regarding the mocks please contact Ms Goswell or myself.
Yours sincerely
Mrs L Martin
Vice Principal