Attendance Matters
Attendance Matters
Please help us to support your child by sending them into school every day.
1. Better life chances for your child and preparation for the world of work.
2. Building lasting and valuable friendships.
3. Being able to achieve your child’s full potential and access all opportunities.
We acknowledge that sometimes your child may be too unwell to attend school. If this happens please notify the school of their absence before 8am each morning.
To report an absence:
- 01753 531760 option 1
- attendance@bayliscourt.slough.sch.uk
Please state clearly your child’s names and form class. Detailed reason for absence and their expected return date.
If your child is feeling better as the day progresses encourage them to attend school.
If sickness absence occurs immediately before or after a school holiday/closure, please ensure that you provide medical evidence otherwise this will be recorded as unauthorised and a fine could be issued.