Open Evening
Open Evening – Wednesday 21 September, 4:45-7pm
Year 6 students and their parents/carers are warmly invited to join our annual Open Evening which is planned for Wednesday 21 September 2022 from 4:45pm to 7pm. You do not need to reserve a place, but we ask that only Year 5 and Year 6 students attend with parents/carers.
We invite prospective students and their parents/carers to listen to a brief talk from the Principal, introducing you to Baylis Court School and explaining the application process.
There will be two Principal’s talks during the evening: 5pm and 6pm. Capacity is limited in the venue of the talks. Families who arrive at 4:45pm will be seated first. Once the venue for the first Principal’s talk is full, families will be invited to have a guided tour of the school before returning for the next available talk.
Between the Principal’s talks, families will be escorted on guided tours of the school. You will have the opportunity to meet our wonderful students and also speak to our highly-dedicated team of staff.
Open Mornings – Monday 27 September and Wednesday 29 September 2021
If you would like to see the school in action, we are offering prospective Year 6 students, accompanied by one parent/carer to join us for Open Morning Tours. These will be held on Monday 27 September and Wednesday 29 September 2022.
if you would like to attend please contact the school to book a place on 01753 531760 or by email Bayliscourt@Bayliscourt.slough.sch.uk