
Baylis Court in the top 10% of Sixth Forms in the country

Posted on: November 1st 2017

Baylis Court Sixth Form Open Evening

Thursday 16th November 2017 5pm until 7pm.


Come and discover what it is that makes Baylis Court Sixth Form such a special place to learn and succeed. Talk to the Head of Sixth Form, subject specialists and some of the students who are currently studying in our Sixth Form to find out about each subject and help you make this important life changing decision.

Baylis Court School is an Outstanding school as judged by OFSTED. Eighty six percent of the A levels studied by students last year achieved a grade that was on or above target. Only 10% of sixth forms in the country have been able to achieve such a high level of achievement.

Baylis Court Sixth Form is part of a consortium with Herschel Grammar School which means that students have a wider selection of courses to choose from. Teaching and learning is of an exemplary standard, lessons are effective, engaging and challenging. Staff continuously use student voice to listen to students views on their learning experience and make appropriate adjustments to their lesson plans. We have excellent pastoral care and academic mentoring which the students receive from their individual tutor and the subject staff.

Throughout their time in the Sixth Form, students are given careers advice and structured guidance on post 18 options. Last year, 97% of students went on to a university education and 100% went on to some form of education, employment or training. Every year we have students who apply to Oxford and Cambridge and we recently had our first Oxbridge student graduate with honours.

Two students sum up very effectively why they think Baylis Court School offers an excellent environment for teaching and learning and pastoral care.

One student who is studying English Literature, Government and Politics and Spanish A levels and wants to become a political translator said, ‘This school has a perfect environment to help you focus on your work and do your best, the teachers here help you every step of the way’

A year 13 sixth former studying A levels in Biology, Chemistry and History wants to become a doctor specialising in Cardiology said, ‘Studying at this sixth form has enabled me to reach my full potential and develop into a confident, hardworking individual. The staff and my peers have motivated and supported me’

‘Inspire a new generation to become leaders of tomorrow’