Slough Music Service Offer for Baylis Court Pupils
Starting at Baylis Court School next term, don’t miss out!
Is your child interested in playing a musical instrument?
What we offer?
Slough Music Service is working with Baylis School to deliver a wide range of intstrumental lessons including violin, guitar, piano , trumpet, clarinet and many more. We offer 30 lessons per term, usually 10 per term.
We aim for our students to enjoy their musical learning and to grow as musicians. Practice notes are updated weekly in notebooks which also provides a means to regularly communicate with parents, and our professionally qualified tutors are all able to take students through ARBSM, Rock School and Trinity grades should they wish to take exams.
How lessons are offered?
Lessons are offered in school, usually during the school day and there is the choice between group lessons and individual lesons.
Group lessons - Group lessons can be a good way to start as students usually enjoy learning together and can compare progress. They are also cheaper. Lessons will vary in length from 20 minutes to 45 minutes depending on the number of students but cannot be started until there are at least 2 students applying for a group lesson.
Individual lessons – We offer individual 20 minute lessons or 30 minute lessons for those who would prefer individual attention or who reach higher grades (recommended from grade 2)
Fees for lessons ?
Individual 20 minute lesson - £120 per term (10 lessons)
Individual 30 minute lesson - £180 per term (10 lessons)
Group lessons (10 lessons) – £82 per term (10 lessons)
Remissions on group lessons are available for lower income students:
Family Income between £16190 - £25,000, group lesson price is £56 per term
Family Income less than £16190, group lesson price is £28 per term
No remission is available for individual lessons
We also offer a music centre for any student having lessons on Thursdays at Beechwood school from 4pm – 6pm. This is currently free to participants and enhances the skills students learn in lessons.
Please don’t hestitate to contact us on music.service@slough.gov.uk if you have any questions