A Level Results 2020
Baylis Court School - Inspiring Leaders of Tomorrow
Baylis Court School A level students have been awarded A Level grades equal to last year’s achievements of a 97% pass rate and 73% A* to C.
During the national lockdown, our staff ensured that students continued to receive quality teaching and learning through live lessons using Microsoft TEAMS. Students completed their A Level courses ensuring that they are properly prepared for the next stage of their education or training.
The school’s mission, ‘Inspiring Leaders of Tomorrow’ underpins all that we do. Every student is expected, encouraged and supported to achieve their very best academically. Two students who embody academic excellence are Nafisah Alam who achieved History (A), PE (A), English Language and Literature (B) and Extended Project (A*) and Ilhaan Suleyman whose best grades were Biology (A*), Sociology (A), Extended Project (A*).
All of the following subjects achieved excellent results with 100% A* to C; English Literature, History, Media Studies, PE, Spanish. History achieved exceptional results at 83% A* to B.
Baylis Court School’s Principal Mr Hinds said, ‘These results are testament to the hard work of the students and staff. They have been achieved under exceptional circumstances and Mr Brown, our Head of Sixth Form, will make sure that every student who requires support is helped onto the next stage of their educational pathway’.
Ray Hinds
Baylis Court School