
Track and Trace

Posted on: December 18th 2020

Track and Trace


The Government has asked us to setup a track and trace system to cover the period after the end of term. If your child has any symptoms up until 3.30pm on Sunday 20th December, please do the following:


  1. Please email
  1. Please answer the following questions:
    1. Name of your child including year group
    2. Who was your child in close contact with, defined as within 2 metres for more than 15 minutes in the last 48 hours
    3. Who have they had face to face contact, within 1 metre, for any length of time (even if wearing a face mask) in the last 48 hours?


  • Face to face conversation
  • Skin to skin contact
  • Being coughed on
  • Who have they travelled with in a small vehicle or within 2 metres in a large vehicle in the last 48 hours?

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