Baylis Court GCSE Results 2017
Baylis Court School – Press Release
GCSE Results 2017
Inspiring the girls of today to become leaders of tomorrow
Students at Baylis Court School could be heard celebrating beyond the school gates because of another set of impressive results. Last year Baylis Court School was rewarded with ‘National recognition for exceptional performance’ by the Schools, Students and Teachers network (SSAT). This year the results are equally as impressive.
75% of students achieved 5 A* to C including English and Maths at 4+, furthermore, 86% achieved 5 GCSEs at A* to C. The headteacher Mrs Ajose said, ‘All of our staff are dedicated to continuous improvement. We are always striving to do the very best for every girl at Baylis Court School. It is extremely pleasing to see so many girls realise their potential and further their studies in our sixth form.’
Baylis Court School develops each student’s interpersonal and academic skills. Every student at Baylis Court School has the opportunity to participate actively in the life of the school. Students present assemblies, perform at school and in the community, they also fundraise for charity and host school events. Five students have had exceptional results:
Nada Gouyez-Benallal 7(A*) 2(GCSE grade 9) 1(A)
Zara Akhtar 6(A*) 1(GCSE grade 9) 1(GCSE grade 8)
Amenah Khan 5(A*) 2(GCSE grade 9)
Ruby Pratap 6(A*) 1(A) 2(GCSE grade 8)
Noor Ishan 5(A*) 2(A) 2(GCSE grade 8)
Further proof that an education at Baylis Court School creates confident, articulate and academically able ‘women of tomorrow.’