Baylis Court School achieves Rights Respecting School Award Level 1
Following an assessment visit from UNICEF in the final week of the 2016-17 academic year, we are proud to have been awarded the UNICEF Rights Respecting School Award Level 1. This award, valid for three years, celebrates the hard work and commitment across the school to educating our pupils about their rights. The assessor spoke with teaching and non-teaching staff at all levels, parents, governors and pupils from all year groups about what they have learned about their rights. The assessor noted:
- “One of Baylis Court’s aims is for pupils to become ‘future citizens with a secure moral purpose, respectful of everyone’s diversity’ and it is clear that school leaders are committed to supporting this through the framework of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).”
- “There has been a strategic approach to help ensure that the Baylis Court community is aware of the school’s rights respecting work.”
- “Pupils were able to give examples of a wide range of rights”
- “The governing body are fully committed to the school’s rights respecting work”
- “Respect is an integral part of the school’s ethos and everyday practice. This was very evident throughout the assessment visit in the way both pupils and staff helped to create a positive and supportive learning environment.”
- “The school’s outward-looking perspective helps pupils engage with the wider world and further develop their global awareness.”
Many thanks go to the Steering Committee of staff and pupils who worked hard to make this possible: Miss Dobson, Miss Greatorex, Aarti Jaswal, Fejiro Efih, Saira Khan, Hana Khan, Ramsha Musrat, Budur Rajeh, Eman Huria, Amna Saeed, Amandeep Sangha, Jaspreet Sangha, Simran Sehra, Dana Younes and Nada Mohammed.
We are committed to continuing this work in 2017-18 across the curriculum, and in the wider school through our Baylis Court Charter of Rights, PSHE days, assemblies, the School Executive Team and other events.
If you would like any further information, please contact Mr Pightling: gpi@bayliscourt.slough.sch.uk